Thinking of going with It’s Just Lunch in Minneapolis, MN? DON’T DO IT! It’s Just Lunch has a terrible 1-star rating on the only review site you can trust, Yelp.
On their Yelp page you are going to find dozens of negative reviews and complaints from customers who felt lied by It’s Just Lunch. But there’s more! It’s Just Lunch is now facing a huge class-action lawsuit filed by many customers who also felt defrauded by It’s Just Lunch and said that the company was “a total waste of time and money”
But no need to worry because we are the better alternative to the overhyped cookie-cutter national franchise It’s Just Lunch in Minneapolis.
Our Minneapolis dating service is far superior than It’s Just Lunch in all different aspects. We have more experienced matchmakers. We offer affordable memberships and have the largest and most diverse database of amazing local singles from Minneapolis and nearby towns and cities.
Joining our Minneapolis matchmaking service is going to simplify the dating process and put you in direct connection with elite professionals that are genuinely looking to find love.
Your personal matchmaker is going to get very familiar with your own individual needs and preferences and then they will conduct extensive searches from within our database to find you compatible matches that will meet your standards and have the looks and qualities that you desire.
Join our local matchmaking service in Minneapolis and be glad that you didn’t invest thousands with It’s Just Lunch.